Online Cleaning

Online pipeline cleaning is an excellent way to clean hard deposits inside the pipelines while avoiding service shutdowns. This method is much more effective than mechanical cleaning with pigs, which cannot remove solid deposits.

We can design pig runs with the right pig types and designs to ensure optimal cleaning performance. Online cleaning is a cost-effective approach to avoid service disruptions for extended periods. This method can clean a pipeline section in just a few days, significantly reducing downtime.

To begin this process, the launching and receiving barrel are already installed in the pipeline. This barrel is an oversized section of the pipeline that can reduce to the normal diameter to accommodate the tight-fitting pig.

Once the pig barrel is in place, the pig can be inserted into the pipeline without interrupting the flow. As the pig travels along the pipeline, it performs various functions, such as clearing the line and inspecting the interior. This helps to ensure that the pipeline is free of any obstructions or defects.

At the end of the pipeline, another pig barrel is located to receive the pig once it has traveled the required length of the pipeline. This pig receiver serves as a point to remove the pig from the pipeline, as well as any debris that the pig has knocked loose. The pig can either be pushed through the pipeline by the line fluid flow pressure.

Our team of experts is trained to remove a wide range of debris, including iron sulfide, iron oxide, waxes, hydrates, asphaltines, and other solid materials that can restrict the flow of pipelines and prevent successful ILI surveys.